
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

bluetooth speaker

  1. Why are they called Bluetooth speakers? Bluetooth was borrowed from the 10th-century, second king of Denmark, King Harald Bluetooth; who was famous for uniting Scandinavia just like how we intend to unite our devices and with a short-range wireless link.

  1. Who invented them?   Jaap Haartsen

  1. Why did he invent them?  He designed them to replace the old RS-232 telecommunication cables, a much older standard made in 1960, by using short range UHF radio waves between 2.4 and 2.485 GHz.

  1. What can Bluetooth speakers do? for example, between your phone, tablet or laptop and Bluetooth equipped speakers or headphones. Bluetooth can also be used to transmit data between two devices

  1. What have you learnt and enjoyed while you have been making yours? I learnt that you have to get everything measured right and put in the right places to make the final product to work the way it's meant to Bluetooth speakers


In P.E we are writing about a type of sport we had to write about the sports beginning and about some famous players and what made them famous We then had to write about some rule changes.