
Thursday, March 19, 2020

zombie poster

Alaskan tsunami

Worlds tallest tsunami was chaotic. It was in Alaska in 1958. It was over 500 meters high.
so we had to make a bar graph to show how big it was compered to some big land marks

Worlds tallest tsunami was chaotic. It was in Alaska in 1958. It was over 500 meters high.
Worlds tallest tsunami was chaotic. It was in

Monday, March 16, 2020


aim : To separate the different pigments from ink using chromatography
hypothesis : its gonna change colours
results : the black piece turned into five pigments black,purple,orange,blue and green and the red one turned into three pigments red orange and blue
discussion : it turned different colours

Thursday, March 12, 2020


               Video 1
  1. Where does this happen? Australia 
  2. How did this happen? Massive rainfall made crops grow faster
  3. How much offsprings (Babies) can 2 mice parents make? 2000 a month /100 million a year
  4. How much wheat did the mice eat? 500,000 tonnes
  5. How did they get rid of the mice and how many dead mice were there? 1018 poison  100 million dead mice

                                    Video 2
  1. Where is this happening india 
  2. Why is this happening? Cause they believe that they are gods
  3. What special treatment do the rats get? Can’t kill them, get to eat first, photos

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

measuring for athletics

In P.E athletics we needed to do the events (in the table below) it was heaps of fun and it was cool to learn how far we could throw stuff. For example I was surprised I could throw the discus 7.80 meters and that I could throw the shot put 6 meters.


Athletics 2020
Shot put 
6.30 feet
6 meters 
16.30 feet
7.80 meters
Long jump
2.40 meters
2.35 meters
Stride length
13 steps in twenty meters
18 kilometers per hour
Long distance
100   meters 21.5 seconds
200   meters 2.16 minutes
400   meters 6.10 minutes
1500 meters 13.15 minutes